

An International Online Teaching Project for Teacher Training Students

About the IPC Project


The IPC Project is a unique online class for teacher students first developed at the Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany).

Students from all over the world are participating in the project offering teacher training students to collaborate online and carry out projects together.

We Believe

GLOBAL Experience Is Important

The UNESCO World Report “Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue” points out how crucial it is to acquire cultural literacy to understand cultures in their creative diversity.

“This is a new kind of literacy, on a par with the importance of reading and writing skills or numeracy: cultural literacy has become the lifeline for today’s world, a fundamental resource for harnessing the multiple venues education can take (from family and tradition to the media, both old and new, and to informal groups and activities) and an indispensible tool for transcending the ‘clash of ignorances.’ It can be seen as part of a broad toolkit of worldviews, attitudes and competences that young people acquire for their lifelong journey” (UNESCO, 2009, p. 118).

More Information

Didactical Formats

There are four different formats of the IPC Project:

  • IPC Basic
  • IPC Research
  • IPC Inclass
  • IPC Global Discussion

International Partners

The IPC Project community currently consists of nine universities from eight countries on three continents and is always open for interested new partners.

Student Presentations

Get an impression of the students' work in the IPC project. The students present their results in different forms: E-Books, Geniallys, Posters or PowerPoint Presentations.

Research, Publications & Presentations

If you are interested in evaluation results, research projects, publications and presentations related to the IPC Project please have a look here.

IPC Experience

What students say about the IPC